
Our research developed multiple mathematical tools in estimating health access and disease prevalence, as well as various data analysis tools such as visualization, regression analysis, and statistical inference. Our group has elected to make much of the code available to others, for specific applications or to build upon in research. We believe that both the scientific community and the public health community will benefit from having access to this tools . We ask only that appropriate citations be made to acknowledge the work of the students and researchers that went into developing the original model.  We welcome researchers to utilize our tools and appreciate any suggestion for improvement.  

In this section we will divide the tools by subsections to make it easier to find a specific application (some will be listed under more than one category).   We will also provide outputs resulting from various projects, e.g., maps that can be used to inform interventions.

  • Data is the new resource, and unlike money or oil sharing doesn't deplete it.
    Kairos Future
  • Information is the lifeblood of modern medicine, [and] health information technology is destined to be its circulatory system.
    David Blumenthal
  • Equal opportunity to be healthy is a right not a privilege, and therefore, healthcare is a common good, not a market commodity.
    Rouse & Serban
  • Equal opportunity to be healthy is the attainment by all people at the highest possible level of physical and mental well-being that biological limitations permit.
    Braveman & Gruskin
  • "We use the CT scan because it’s a great defense," says the CEO of another hospital not far from Stamford. "For example, if anyone has fallen or done anything around their head — hell, if they even say the word head — we do it to be safe. We can’t be sued for doing too much."
    Bitter Pill