Georgia Diabetes Data Portal

In collaboration with the Georgia Center for Diabetes Translation Research and Emory University, we have developed a Data Web Portal for disseminating localized health and healthcare indicators relevant to addressing the needs of the population with diabetes in Georgia.

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Health Analytics @ Georgia Tech

The Health Analytics group at Georgia Tech bridges fundamental mathematical and computational modeling with health services research and health economics as a means of translating health and healthcare data into knowledge and decision making. We conduct research and mentor students in data science methodologies to improve decision making in health care delivery and public health. Approaches are based on rigorous modeling, mathematical standards, and advanced computing techniques and anchored in real problems and questions in the health domain. The team collaborates with scientists and decision makers from many types of organizations including clinicians, large providers, public health entities, and private companies.

Health Analytics has an academic home within Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech with significant connections with Georgia Tech's Institute for People and Technology, the Health and Humanitarian Logistics Center, the School of Public Policy, the College of Computing, and many others. The basis of the research in this group is led by Professor Nicoleta Serban.

Data Portals

"We use the CT scan because it’s a great defense," says the CEO of another hospital not far from Stamford. "For example, if anyone has fallen or done anything around their head — hell, if they even say the word head — we do it to be safe. We can’t be sued for doing too much."
Bitter Pill